Hope Headliners

by Bob Turner on August 23, 2023

We had so much strong feedback on Hope Headliners, the recent 9:45 series in the Fellowship Hall. Each week we heard about ministries that are important to us. This series reminded me of the good that comes when all of us are together and hearing the same message. One partner mentioned to me that they had no idea there was so much going on. Another said how much they appreciated having a single summer curated in such an intentional way. I agreed. 

Scotty Boone is doing a tremendous job leading our Adult Education ministry. He has a strong sense of what we need to hear as a church as well as being familiar with the resources we have to address those needs. I’m thankful for him. Putting together a series of panels is a lot of work, but it turned out really well.

I suspect you had a thought during a presentation where you felt called to a particular ministry. Whatever level of involvement you might be able to have, I would encourage you to pursue the ways you feel called to dive deeper into these essential ministries. Here are organization websites and email addresses for the different presenters.


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